Tuesday, July 16, 2024

The key to constant improvement

 One secret to moving from good to very good to excellent is to constantly overcome the blur-effect. 

Take the example of vocabulary/language - When we get to the point of being "good enough", we become content with understanding what a certain beautiful sentence is saying. We fail to notice the phrasing or the specific word that accentuates its beauty. The whole sentence is "blurred" down to its essence. 

To improve your language/vocabulary, observe the sentence in high-definition. Resist the urge to allow the blur effect to kick in. To be able to notice and marvel at the next level of detailing and nuance is the  key to never ending improvement. 

The ability to resist the blur-effect at the 'sentence-level' and apply it at the 'article-level' sharpens the capacity to seamlessly shift between the big-picture and the details. 


Viveka K R said...

Interesting perspective!

Karthik said...

Thanks for the comment, Viveka !