Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Sleeping better

One of the topics I am really interested in these days is sleep. On days when I don't sleep well, I realize I am just waiting for the day to somehow be done with. To cut a long story short, I'm 100% convinced that optimizing sleep is an extremely important part of living the good life, and sleep, in general, to a great degree influences our life experience. 

Anyhow, I have recently developed a tendency of opening youtube before going to bed - which leads to me spending 30 minutes browsing random youtube videos. I also realize that overcoming this tendency isn't going to be easy, but it's essential so that I can wake up a tad fresher the next morning. 

So far, I've been telling myself that I need the phone near me as I sleep, to set the alarm for me to wake up to, in the morning. And just a couple of days ago, I came up with this brilliantly simple idea - Of getting myself a small alarm clock. My brain briefly considered the idea of buying 2 alarm clocks - When one of them runs out of battery after 276 days, the other one would wake me up that morning ... lol :) 

I proposed this idea to my wife, and she immediately gifted me an alarm clock.... 

So, here's my plan 
  • At 9 pm everyday , my wife asks me for my phone. and I hand it over, and she leaves it somewhere in the hall
  • My phone is henceforth banned from entering my bedroom. 
  • I use the alarm clock to wake me up. 

I trust this will work well and help me sleep better.  Will report back in a few weeks :D 

That which you are dependent on, controls you.  

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