Monday, February 05, 2024

The curious case of Narcissistic Leaders

 It is well known that people tend to follow a leader who demonstrates certainty. Even if the leader is wrong. It is tempting for all of us to be lured by the conviction that such a leader demonstrates. They always seem to know exactly what they are doing. They make instant decisions. They have strong opinions. They exude charisma. And handle the spotlight with chutzpah. 

All of this looks like the signs of a "winner" - until you start to notice the red flags.. They throw a tantrum when they don't get their way. They expect others to adore them. They dismiss others' points of view. They act like they are above everyone else. They believe they are are never to blame. 

Until, we can finally see them for who they are. All that brash confidence, bravado and decisiveness was a mask to hide the terrible insecurity underneath. 

 I am witness to one such leader ( fortunately not at workplace). 

The irony of leadership is that is highly represented by narcissists. Even worse, the "ordinary" innocent folks are seduced into thinking that being such a bold leader is a sign that one has finally "made it".. That one has arrived. 

And yet, the more and more such leaders I get to see, the more I find them off-putting. The more I notice the absence of sincerity. The more I notice that it is merely grandiosity, and not really courage.  

Leaders demonstrating these behaviours aren't leaders. They are merely master manipulators. 

I always believed that being a balanced person was not a big deal, but I now do think it is...And after seeing enough such narcissistic leaders, I only have this to say - The most wonderful people are sincere, simple, genuine and generous. 

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