Friday, September 22, 2023

A talent to watch

 It has been 18 years since I started this blog. Over this time, I have acquired 5 subscribers .. Not particularly impressive :D  All the 5 subscribers signed up in the first 10 years of this blog. Clearly ,my marketing in the last 8 years hasn't been as sharp as it once was....LOL

When I learn about silly videos on youtube garnering thousands of views and comments on youtube, it sometimes annoys me. Why do silliness, and negativity get so much attention ? Why does good stuff go unrecognized?

Anyhow, moving on....  I usually keep an eye out for new talents on youtube. And I have discovered an incredibly talented violinist . He goes by the name of "Madhav Gopi Nair". I don't know him personally, but I am very very impressed by what he does. There is such fluidity in his playing .. In fact, he is currently my favourite violinist on youtube.  I don't think he is very well known. But I absolutely believe he deserves to get tons of opportunities, and deserves to succeed at the highest levels. 

Please check out this exceptional talent here

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