Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Mediocre milestones and absent-minded self-care

  •  Blogger tells me that this blog has been viewed 50K times ! Yay !!... 50K views in 19 years is very far from impressive (lol) ... Especially given that 10K of those must have been mine in the first few years as I eagerly visited the blog to check if anyone had posted any comments :D ( It took me a couple of years to figure that the blog dashboard displays pageview statistics)  ..

    Sometimes I wonder : What's the point in having this blog ? Especially when some people get 50K views in a few hours posting something silly or controversial on youtube... Well, I'm still motivated to put down my thoughts.. For myself to read a few years down the line. This blog captures a snapshot of my life. Just a snapshot, but an important one nevertheless.. 

  • There's something simple I do for self-care. I hate driving. Especially on Bangalore roads. On the days when I am not in a mood to drive to work, I hire a  cab. The only downside is this - I tend to forget that I took a cab and spend 15 minutes in the evening searching for my car in the office parking :) 

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