Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Five Magical things

  •  I didn't realize that I have posted only about 5 times in the last 4 years, and yet, it hasn't been for lack of things to write about. Much has been happening. 

  •  Towards the end of 2017, I spent about 15 hours writing and planning out 2018. What exactly I wrote down in those 15 hours isn't that important( actually it is, but not as much as one might think:) ; what is important is the amount of energy I was bringing to the intention. After investing so much energy, the odds that I will follow through are dramatically higher than if I were to whimsically declare my 'new year resolutions' after 3 minutes of thought. 

  • The 3 key attitudes( yes attitudes)  that will dramatically shift your life are - appreciation, gratitude and joy. Appreciation and gratitude - well you know.. 

Joy - how do you have an 'attitude' of joy ?

Until some stage in most people's lives, youthful exuberance takes care of this without much effort, until ... the battery runs out :) And about the time it runs out is the time to set up an energy harvesting system in place, where you take in the energy around you, and harvest it into an attitude of 'joy'. A simple 'tactic' I lately use to accomplish this is to read some Wodehouse each morning these days. Wodehouse offers, what I call a ' Try me for 30 minutes or have your misery back' guarantee :)

  • The 2 qualities that will make the biggest difference to your life, if consciously developed are 

a) Confidence/self-esteem
b) Discipline/commitment

It is not lightly that I have zeroed in on the above two.

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